The longest day of the year, the beautiful summer solstice. “Litha” is the name given to the Wiccan Sabbat celebrated at the Summer Solstice. This is the longest day and shortest night of the year, we give our thanks for the suns warmth as after this joyous day the sun sets earlier & the nights start to draw in.
As the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky, the God is now in his full power, and the Goddess of the Earth is bringing so much growth ready for harvesting in the coming months. A great time to do a ritual is around noon, when the sun is at its very highest and as mentioned before at its full power!
As you look around the beauty of the Earth is Luscious & vibrant, the flowers in all their glory, the depths of the greens within the trees & the beautiful shapes & sizes of our wonderful fruit & vegetables. Take a moment to take in all that the you have manifested from the plants you’ve lovingly cared for since the spring, to spreading warmth & kindness around you.
To celebrate this wonderful day I like to put fresh flowers on the altar, my children usually help as (like my plants) i have lovingly cared for them too! We will have a picnic & usually a celebration in the evening! (fingers crossed it’s lovely weather!)
I will be posting a couple of rituals that you can all do on Friday 19th of June in preparation. If you have purchased our Litha box (pronounced LEE-tha) you will have all the tools for the ritual I will be publishing, if you haven’t grabbed a kit yet there is still time!